Sales and purchase taxes are always primary considerations especially when investing in real estate. Certain countries worldwide, impose tough taxation rules that can quickly erode capital gains and result in sub-standard profits for investors!
Interestingly, Thailand offers buyers and sellers an advantageous and a relatively low set of taxes. As a general rule of thumb:
“Sellers will typically disburse Taxes worth approximately 5-7% of the Condo’s Sales Price”
In comparison to some developed countries especially in Europe (I.e. UK, France, etc…), Thailand’s tax system remain extremely attractive.
Buying and Selling Condos Taxes in Thailand

*Withholding Tax: Is a complicated Tax Calculation based on the Seller’s Marginal Tax Rate. Please refer to the example calculation below for explanations.
1. Transfer Fees
This is equivalent to 2% of the official government “appraised value” of the property; the fees are paid directly to the Thai Land Department in order to transfer ownership of the condo. Transfer Fees are typically shared equally between the Buyer and Seller (I.e. 1% by each party).
2. Specific Business Tax (SBT)
Specific Business Tax is payable by both companies and private individuals who have owned the condo for less than 5 Years. The Tax is calculated at 3.3% of the government appraised value or agreed sales price, whichever is higher.
It is important to note that if the Seller has owned the Condo for less than 5 Years, they can still have Specific Business Tax exemption. However, this is provided they have registered their principal place of residence in the household registration certificate of that Condo for a period of 1 year.
3. Stamp Duty
Stamp Duty is only due, when SBT is not applicable. The fee is equivalent to 0.5% of the appraised value or agreed sales price, whichever is higher.
4. Withhold Tax (WHT)/ Income Tax
WHT/Income Tax has a misleading name, it is important to note that the calculation of this Tax has nothing to do with income earned on the Condo. It is actually a slightly complicated calculation, based on an individual’s marginal tax rate. Several factors such as property appraisal value, ownership period and deductions based on depreciation is taken into account.
The different variable used in the calculation of WHT/Income Tax, means it is a particularly difficult Tax to illustrate. However as briefly mentioned at the start, property sellers generally can expect to disburse no more than 5-7% of the value of the Condo in Sales Taxes.
Real Condo Sale Example
Condo Name: Tree Condo Ekamai (2 Bed/ 85 Sqm.)
Agreed Sales Price: 9,000,000 THB
Years of Ownership: 3
Official Appraised Value: 6,665,755.50 THB**This Appraised Value is obtained from the Government Land Office.
1. Transfer Fee
– 2% of the official government Appraised Value.
2% of 6,665,755.50 THB= 133,315.11 THB
133,315.11 THB/ 2
Buyer to Pay: 66,657.55 THB
Seller to Pay: 66, 657.55 THB
2. Specific Business Tax
– Seller owned condo for less than 5 Years (Did not register name on Household Registration Book)
– 3.3% of the government appraised value or agreed sales price, whichever is higher.
3.3% of 9,000,000 THB
Seller to Pay: 297,000 THB
3. Withhold Tax (WHT)/ Income Tax
– Appraised Value of Condo: 6,665,755.50 THB
– Years of Ownership: 3 (77% Standard Deduction of Expenses)
Part 1.
6,665,755.50 THB – (77% of 6,665,755.50 THB) = 1,533,123.80 THB
1,533,123.80/ 3 Years= 511,041.30 THB Yearly Assessable Income
Part 2.
Yearly assessable income is 511,041.30 THB
– The First: 300,000 x 5%= 15,000 THB
– The Second: 200,000 THB x 10%= 20,000 THB
– The Remaining Amount: 11,041.30 THB x 15%= 1,656.20 THB
Assessable Personal Income Tax Per Year (15,000 + 20,000 + 1,656.20 THB) = 36,656.20 THB.
Seller acquired this property for 3 years so income tax per year: 36,656.20 THB x 3 = 109,969 THB
Seller to Pay: 109,969 THB
Recap of Taxes Payable (By Seller/Buyer)
Transfer Fee
Buyer to Pay: 66,657.55 THB
Seller to Pay: 66, 657.55 THB
Specific Business Tax
Seller to Pay: 297,000 THB
Withhold Tax (WHT)/ Income Tax
Seller to Pay: 109,969 THB
On a final note, the Seller of the property will also have to consider the Property Agency Commission Fees; more information can be found at: Property Agency Commission Rates in Bangkok.
*Disclaimer: Information contained within this article is for informational purposes and is not intended to substitute obtaining Accounting, Tax and Financial Advice from a Professional Accountant.
Linda Aitken says:
How does this work if a retired ex-pat has been here 16 years, but has not had a work permit
since 2003 and receives stipend from home country retirement account?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Linda, thank you for your comment. Please kindly note buying a condo in Thailand/ Bangkok is not dependent on a Thai Work Permit. You could buy a property locally, even without any source of income from Thailand.
R Mahendran N Rajaratnam says:
I’m a foreigner and own a freehold condominium in Krabi Thailand. I signed my S&P in 2011 and full payment was made in 2017 with the issuance of title deed and house registration book. For property tax calculations , does the number of years (ownership) commences from signing the S&P or at time of receipt title deed.
Thank you
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi R Mahendran N Rajaratnam, thank you very much for your question. Please note Sales Taxes are calculated from the date your name is published on the Title Deed (So on the day the property was transferred in your name).
Hope this helps!
Susan says:
Is this tax system applied to a Thai company owning a condo/house if they sell it as well?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Susan, you are correct the Tax System is slightly different from Companies.
Please kindly, contact an Accounting/ Legal Firm for more precise information on this matter.
Bengt Gothlin says:
Hi! I pay 30% tax in marginal tax from my work income. Would I have to pay 30% WHT/Income tax on the assessible income if I sell a condo? Or is the assessible income from a real estate sale on a separate tax bracket calculation starting from 0 income?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Bengt,
Thank you for your question.
Again please refer to the article the WHT/Income Tax has nothing to do with personal income. There is an example calculation in the article.
Sergio says:
Are there any annual/monthly government taxes on condos?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Sergio,
No there are no annual/monthly govt. taxes until you sell/transfer the condo.
Fresh Property Editorial.
Nikolaas says:
Hi! We live in a condo which is still under mortgage and the name of the financial institution is published on the Title Deed. Basically, our Years of Ownership is 0. How does this work with regards to Specific Business Tax and Withhold Tax (WHT)/ Income Tax if we were to sell this condo prior to transfer of ownership at the end of the loan?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Nikolaas, normally even if a financial institution is involved your name should appear on the Chanote; so both the Loan Provider and yourself should appear on the title deed. In these circumstances the normal Government Taxes and Fees discussed in this article are still valid.
However, if you need more specific advice we would kindly advise you to seek help from an accountant and/or law firm.
Thank you again for commenting.
Fresh Property Editorial
Nikolaas says:
Thank you.
Surajit Mitra says:
Hi.. If I have signed the Purchase agreement in 2017 Oct, and with a deferred payment clause till 2021.. and I decide to sell the condo in 2019 (still 2 years left for registration & title transfer) I have to pay SBT ?
Also can I ask developer to transfer the condo to new buyer and proceed to transfer title to him on payment of full proceeds?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Surajit,
If we understand your situation correctly you have currently bought an off-plan unit.
Therefore at this stage, the purchase agreement is between you and the developer (There is no Title Deed as the Project is not yet completed)
In that case, yes Transferring your purchase rights on the unit to another buyer is possible without paying SBT.
However, please ensure that the Developer/ Sales and Purchase Agreement does not have any ownership transfer penalties.
Hope this helps.
Fresh Property Team
Anthony Tong says:
In calculating the Withholding tax on Condo, how is the appraised value determined? Does it equal the fair market value? Thanks.
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for your comment.
The appraised value is set by the Government.
The values of Condos in Bangkok are publicly available and can be confirmed on:
(The website is in Thai)
As a rule of thumb, Appraisal Value is lower than actual selling price.
Hope this helps.
Fresh Property Editorial
Bob says:
Why is the withholding tax lower for people that own the condo for less time?
Normally withholding taxes should fall if you own the property longer.
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your comment.
If you follow the calculation explanation, Withholding Tax does indeed fall the longer you own a property.
Hope this helps.
Fresh Property Editorial
Paul says:
Just sold a condo but have resided overseas since November 2018 so no longer a Thai taxpayer. Am I able to claim a refund of the withholding tax charge on the property or does it have nothing whatsoever to do with Thai Income Tax bracket and personal allowance?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately the WHT has nothing to do with the Income Tax Bracket.
The taxes/ deductions are paid at the land department.
Hope this helps.
Charlean says:
I bought a condo in Thailand. I had it transferred into
a business name right now with my Thai friend, his mother and brother on it .I want to have the brother and mother taken off the business and I want to add myself and business partner into it. My question is Do I have to fly to Thailand do this because I am a foreigner?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Charlean,
It is possible to do this remotely from overseas.
However, I would advise you contact a Law Firm for further assistance.
We are a Property Agency and we do not want to misadvise.
Fresh Editorial
kenchao says:
the new enacted land and building tax caused problem to foreign condo owners, i do not even know where to report and how to pay, seems no website after much search, and some agents charge several thousand bahts for doing such service for owners, which i know is more than ten times the tax
Shelley says:
Hi : in a condo sale, what if the yearly taxable income on calculation is below 150,000 for which the tax rate is ‘zero’ in the tax schedule for calculating WHT ? Will that mean Zero WHT ?
Duc says:
If a foreigner purchased and registered name on Household Registration Book, can he/she avoid the SBT when selling the condo?
Fresh Editorial says:
Hi Duc, yes that is correct if the Foreign Landlord is on the Household Registration Book they can avoid paying SBT.
Sant Kumar Bhatnagar says:
Dear Sirs,
I purchased condominium in 1996 @ Baht 5,000,000/- in Sukhumvit Soi- 19. Entire sum was paid in foreign currency brought into Thailand under the Tor-Sor-3 form that time. I have residentship of Thailand for over 25 years now and retired in 2000. Before retirement tax used to be deducted at source by the company. Due to my old age I wish to gift or sell off to my son who is 46 years old. How much tax do I have to pay for selling the condominium. If he claims after my death as a heir what will be the tax .
Your comments will be appreciated.implications.